Discover Our Programs

School Readiness

Play With Purpose

Begin Your Child’s Education Journey​

Play with purpose is a program for children aged 2-3 where they are given the opportunity to begin learning their A, B, C’s and 1,2,3’s in a fun, interactive, hands-on way.  

This program is originally based on the Begin Bright Pink Level.  Now we have expanded and added parental involvement, music & song, story-telling, craft activities and play.  Our aim is to incorporate the development of gross motor skills and to build healthy social skills like learning to share and taking turns.  

The foci of the program include colours, shapes, numbers, concepts of weather/seasons, positioning of items, and important people in our community, body parts and emotions and letters in their name. We want our students to grow in confidence by promoting a curiosity and love of learning.  

Available by appointment 

Maximum of 3 in a class. Parents stay in class.  (3 years before primary school)

Cost:  $40.00 per session. Must book entire term. 


School Readiness Foundation

Continue Your Child’s Education Journey

Our foundation program for ages 3-4 coincides with the national school curriculum. We concentrate on fundamental skills in literacy and numeracy, such as pre-reading skills, writing and oral language building and reinforcing cognitive processes. Our courses incorporate activities that develop pencil grip & eye-hand coordination that support preparation for handwriting. Phonemic awareness to help children learn to identify sound, recognition of letter and the formation of that letter.

Thursdays or Fridays: 10:30 am – 11:30 pm

Maximum of 5 in a class. (2 years before primary school)

Cost: $40.00 per session. Must book entire term.

School Readiness Transition

Continue Your Child’s Education Journey

Our foundation program for ages 4-5  coincides with the national school curriculum.  We concentrate on fundamental skills in literacy and numeracy, such as pre-reading skills, writing and oral language building and reinforcing cognitive processes. Our courses incorporate activities that develop pencil grip & eye-hand coordination that support preparation for handwriting.  Phonemic awareness to help children learn to identify sound, recognition of letter and the formation of that letter.

Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays:  9:30 am – 10:30 pm

Maximum of 5 in a class.  (1 years before primary school)

Cost:  $40.00 per session. Must book entire term.

School Readiness Primary

Continue Your Child’s Education Journey

Our school readiness  program for ages 5-6. This program is designed to support children in their first year of primary by reinforcing and extending learning based on their school work in literacy and numeracy. We review single & blended sounds, sight words, punctuation and writing. In mathematics we focus on understanding the concrete concepts behind the abstract questions, counting sequences, addition, subtraction and developing problem solving skills.

By appointment per term.

Maximum of 3 in a class

Cost: $65.00 per session. Must book entire term

Private Tutoring

Continue Your Child’s Education Journey

1. One on one tutoring 

30 Minute Session – cost- $65.00
45 Minute Session – cost- $75.00
60 Minute Session – cost- $90.00

2. We also provide  online tutoring which is provided only Saturdays. Which requires face to face bookings with the office manger on the day. 

60 Minute Session  one on one Cost: $90.00

60 Minute Session  Group Cost: $75.00 ( Minimum 2 Students )

The there must be minimum of 2 to 4 student the group tutoring to open the class. 

3. Group Tutoring Tutoring
 60 Minute Session Maximum of 3 in a class cost $80.00

School Holiday Programs

Continue Your Child’s Education Journey with Fun

Searching for fun activities on the school holidays?  We offer a variety of arts, crafts and science based workshops, which are suitable for all primary aged children ranging from 4 years to 12 years.  Details of each workshop offered will be posted prior to the term holidays.

Transition 2 School

What is T2S? 
Transition to School is an exciting milestone for your child. Preparing your child for their transition to school prepares them for future learning and development. Our holiday program covers letters and numbers that were taught during the term for children that may have missed that opportunity. We also look at name practising skills and social skills that create opportunity for independency and readiness for school.



S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)
STEAM education is an approach to learning that combines science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Students take thoughtful risks engaging in experimental learning, persist in problem solving, embracing collaboration and work through creative processes.

Our world is a beautiful, complex tapestry of learning and exploration. It takes what we do to open the doors, to the real world, placing those opportunities of teaching and experimental learning for our children to discover and explore.

We offer these workshops during our school holiday program where children are supported to be inspired, create, explore and discover with us.

Piano Studio

Piano Tuition

i. Introduction to Keyboard Skills
i. Focus on foundational concepts of notation, rhythm, technique, elementary theory
ii. Beginner to Intermediate
i. Building on the introduction course, focus on two hand performance, sight reading/singing, interval recognition, scales, finger exercises, creating a repertoire of pieces
iii. Intermediate to Advanced
i. Study of chords (major, minor, augmented, diminished, special, Understanding the circle of 5ths,
Expanding scales/rhythm exercises, finger exercise, incorporating more advanced pieces, introduction to blues.